Tuesday 1 April 2014

Community News Exeter, Devon

Hello Friends, A1 Positive News, A1 Positive is currently looking to expand our Eco-Management Team / steering group throughout Exeter and Devon, we're looking for positive skilled, dynamic people living in or near Exeter, Devon. If you or someone you know has experience and skills who’s interested in being part of a local social enterprise steering group to support us with our work to save the environment to save the World then forward this onto them in the strictest confidence. Did you know that Neil Wintrip Earnshaw is the first and only person in the UK who came up with the solution to solve the United Kingdom’s energy and pollution problems for the planet. He wrote a letter to UK Government in 2003 and UK parliament ignored the highly important letter and now the UK is quickly running out of energy, as UK Government plan to build highly dangerous and toxic nuclear power stations. Just so the Fat Cats can get richer from your misery. Letters sent to UK Government in 2002-2003, These are the very people who are meant to serve the British Public’s Interest, when in fact they just serve there own to steal our hard earned money and put it in there own pockets for themselves, Fact. To find out more get in touch with us, the UK energy is about to run out and everyone relying on the national grid for their energy consumption now, how will you run your new devices when all the power has gone? We have a natural and abundant energy resource on planet Earth that’s currently not being used, this needs no drilling, no fracking and cost very little to set up throughout Exeter and Devon. UK Corruption throughout Exeter and Devon over the past two years was estimated at around 2 and a half billion pounds in tax payers money. Contact us today Neil @ A1 Positive Recycling Freephone: 0800 999 3833 Email: a1prp@yahoo.co.uk Copyright © 2005 A1 Positive Recycling / Carpet Magic.